Friday, October 19, 2007

Do you REALLY believe?

"Many christians try to put God into this box," said a older christian friend of mine.

"The bible speaks clearly about how God is a rich a prosperous God; how He is a gracious and loving God. Yet many christians take an extreme view on one or two scriptures and end up limiting God in their beliefs."


I have been thinking about my conversation with him. About how true his statement is.


What were we talking about?


Well, we were actually talking about the gospel of grace, and how many well meaning christians are against it.

"Yes, the grace of God is needed for salvation, but after that we have to do good deeds to work out our salvation"


I can just hear people saying this to me. Or perhaps they might quote to me a scripture about doing good deeds. Or maybe they might say something like this:

"Yes, God is rich and all, but I don't think its right to hear so much about the prosperity message. God makes us poor to humble us; He provides just enough so that we won't be proud"


Hmm. Sounds familiar. Religious people don't seem to like prosperity at all. Might even tell you money is evil. Which is biblically incorrect. Well, well, well, then why are they still using money now?

"Yes, God heals, but we have to find the will of God in this first. We don't know the will of God for this sick person. Maybe it is God's will for him or her to be sick"


Now this is a classic. Fantastic phrase to quote when you are praying for the sick. Very comforting indeed. I wonder if thats how the Bible tells us to pray?


Excuse me for my sarcasm, but you can tell that I get pretty annoyed with such statements. You see, I strongly believe that we actually LIMIT God with our unbelief; with such statements. Which ironically, is the greatest sin (remember the garden of eden?)


Anyway, first and foremost, as I have established in my last post, your good deeds cannot bring you salvation.

Ok - now you're going to quote me some scripture about working out your salvation. I can sense it. Strongly.

Now let me ask you to pause for bit and think about it. Lets get it straight. If you believe that you are saved by grace (which is biblical), then why do have to work out your salvation after? Doesn't make sense does it? H-E-L-L-O!


Secondly, in reference to the 'prosperity message', if you think that God is poor, then speaking about a prosperous God is wrong. Ok, let me ask you a question: Is God, almighty God, rich in heaven? (pause) Now, if God is your father (also biblical), and He is a rich, rich God, then you being the son/daughter should be rich too right? H-E-L-L-O!


Lastly, the worst statement is about God's will in someone who is sick and suffering. Now the bible says in John, that when we see Jesus, we see God the Father as He is. Tell me, well meaning christians, was there even ONE person whom Jesus did not heal? From my knowledge, even those who merely touched his clothing were healed. Now don't you tell me to find God's will in sickness. God's will is to heal all. Perhaps we are limiting God again and putting him into our box of restraints from our personal experience.


Why not choose to believe the Bible 100%? What's the point of being  a half past six christian? Why not just believe?


I know it is not easy, especially when you are going through something in life, like I am now.

But I choose to believe. 100%.

I'm not going to limit God or put him into this box.

And Jesus said to him, "If You can? All things are possible to him who believes."

Mark 9:23 NIV


The choice is yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're darn good at spelling HELLO :D
I do agree with your last line though. Many things in our life is really our own choice. Even when things are seemingly "out of our control", like say falling sick, it's still our decision on how to handle the situation.
I think a great example has to be Christopher Reeves.
Life has as many disappointments and triumphs as we deem it.
Sorry, no religious wisdom here, just from my own experience ya?