Friday, October 19, 2007

Do you REALLY believe?

"Many christians try to put God into this box," said a older christian friend of mine.

"The bible speaks clearly about how God is a rich a prosperous God; how He is a gracious and loving God. Yet many christians take an extreme view on one or two scriptures and end up limiting God in their beliefs."


I have been thinking about my conversation with him. About how true his statement is.


What were we talking about?


Well, we were actually talking about the gospel of grace, and how many well meaning christians are against it.

"Yes, the grace of God is needed for salvation, but after that we have to do good deeds to work out our salvation"


I can just hear people saying this to me. Or perhaps they might quote to me a scripture about doing good deeds. Or maybe they might say something like this:

"Yes, God is rich and all, but I don't think its right to hear so much about the prosperity message. God makes us poor to humble us; He provides just enough so that we won't be proud"


Hmm. Sounds familiar. Religious people don't seem to like prosperity at all. Might even tell you money is evil. Which is biblically incorrect. Well, well, well, then why are they still using money now?

"Yes, God heals, but we have to find the will of God in this first. We don't know the will of God for this sick person. Maybe it is God's will for him or her to be sick"


Now this is a classic. Fantastic phrase to quote when you are praying for the sick. Very comforting indeed. I wonder if thats how the Bible tells us to pray?


Excuse me for my sarcasm, but you can tell that I get pretty annoyed with such statements. You see, I strongly believe that we actually LIMIT God with our unbelief; with such statements. Which ironically, is the greatest sin (remember the garden of eden?)


Anyway, first and foremost, as I have established in my last post, your good deeds cannot bring you salvation.

Ok - now you're going to quote me some scripture about working out your salvation. I can sense it. Strongly.

Now let me ask you to pause for bit and think about it. Lets get it straight. If you believe that you are saved by grace (which is biblical), then why do have to work out your salvation after? Doesn't make sense does it? H-E-L-L-O!


Secondly, in reference to the 'prosperity message', if you think that God is poor, then speaking about a prosperous God is wrong. Ok, let me ask you a question: Is God, almighty God, rich in heaven? (pause) Now, if God is your father (also biblical), and He is a rich, rich God, then you being the son/daughter should be rich too right? H-E-L-L-O!


Lastly, the worst statement is about God's will in someone who is sick and suffering. Now the bible says in John, that when we see Jesus, we see God the Father as He is. Tell me, well meaning christians, was there even ONE person whom Jesus did not heal? From my knowledge, even those who merely touched his clothing were healed. Now don't you tell me to find God's will in sickness. God's will is to heal all. Perhaps we are limiting God again and putting him into our box of restraints from our personal experience.


Why not choose to believe the Bible 100%? What's the point of being  a half past six christian? Why not just believe?


I know it is not easy, especially when you are going through something in life, like I am now.

But I choose to believe. 100%.

I'm not going to limit God or put him into this box.

And Jesus said to him, "If You can? All things are possible to him who believes."

Mark 9:23 NIV


The choice is yours.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lost Focus

It's been a long, long while. I know I named this blog - Messages of Hope and Love. Sounds corny, but that was the initial idea of the blog: - to motivate people into believing that there is Hope and Love out there. Initially I also wanted people to be able to share their testimonies and so forth, but I've been so busy with my own life, getting sucked into the rat race and juggling family commitments all at the same time. It's pretty harsh. It's also quite draining - but work has been rewarding. I don't think I'll be able to work in another industry that can allow me to impact people's lives in a such a unique manner and earn good income at the same time.

"It's a ministry that pays well," I thought.


However, not everyone thinks so. I guess my industry is littered with people only interested in themselves, putting their own interests first, forgetting that it's not just about the money - it's about impacting people's lives as well. Which is why I have chosen to train the next generation in a way that we can change the way people have viewed my industry in the marketplace. I'm going to make a difference. Watch me.


OK. So you still may not agree that I am in ministry. I can just imagine people in utter disagreement. But I don't really care. I know that God has put me in this line of work for a bigger purpose - for a reason. A reason that differs from others. Would it be unimaginative of God to give people the same exact purpose?


Alright - let me get this straight. In case many of you don't know the Bible speaks about this. I'd like to quote from Mark 16:15-16


He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Mark 16:15-16 NIV

One thing is for sure. We have ONE main purpose. We should have ONE focus. How it is achieved is different for other people. It's the GOOD NEWS. What is that? Often, we talk about how our good deeds and so forth is the good news. We often think that by telling people where they have gone wrong is the good news. Often we speak as if we need to get right with God before going to church as the good news. Or maybe we talking about how good our life is is the good news. But it's not.


The Good News is just this:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

John 3:16-17 NIV

It's the simple believe of admitting that we have done wrong (even if you think you haven't you have-ask your mother/father if you think otherwise), and that we believe that the only way to eternal life is by believing in Jesus. Not anyone else; certainly not yourself. Not your good works or good deeds. Not your charity. Not your donations. Not your money or your status.


Now let me share you another scripture that shows you that there is no other way.


"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

Acts 4:12 NIV

Thats right. No other way. Only by His grace.


A christian is simply someone who believes in Jesus for his salvation.


It's really that simple. So why not you believe Jesus right now? No one else in the world or certainly no other religion has ever claimed that He is the only way. The choice is yours.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

When hope seems far away...


It's been a long journey.

I wonder if it'll ever end.

I wonder if life was different, how it would be?

The light at the tunnel seems so faint now.

Where is the light?

I know there is light at the end of the tunnel - but will I reach it?

What if I don't make it to the light?

Will it come to me?




God be the solution.

What else is there to hold on to?


You are my hope, my trust, my saviour, my healer.

There is nothing else to hold onto in this world.




Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
      And lean not on your own understanding; 
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
      And He shall make straight your paths.

(Proverbs 3:5-6) NKJV

Thursday, July 26, 2007


It's expected. Everyone will face persecution. The bible clearly states so - if you are a christian you will face persecution. We face persecution just by being christian.


I never really understood persecution in the spiritual aspect. I'm blessed to be living in a country where there is some partial form of freedom to choose what to believe, at least for my race anyway. Now I don't like to use the word 'religion'. To me, religion equates to what you are doing wrong, and how you should be doing right - laws, rules and regulations to holiness. Let me firstly clarify - christianity is NOT a religion. Now I could go through this point of mine, which many might differ, but I would be deviating from my topic today. I guess I'll have to leave that for another blog.


I believe that people in countries where there is a strong control of beliefs face constant and dire persecution if they are christian. I guess none of us would really understand that unless we have experienced it some form or another. And as a result, I took Jesus' words for granted when he spoke of persecution. I guess I couldn't really relate. Life has been pretty swell for me in this area. Where I did face persecution however, is in my work - and I didn't imagine it would be so strong.


In my line of work, I face alot of persecution, disappointments, discouragements and disrespect. I knew I was in for a difficult job, one which people won't really respect you for what you are doing; a line of work whom people seem to disrespect without any proper reason. What upsets me I suppose, is how people can belittle you for just telling them what you do for a living. Amazing. I realised that this happens in social events, amongst friends, and even in church (*GASP*). It hurts even more when you know and believe in what you do is really helping others.


Honestly, I usually get pissed. My usual response isn't very friendly. However, the more I thought about it, the more I felt I could start relating to those who were being persecuted for what they believed in. This is when God brings me to the story of Jesus in the gospels. He himself, who had no sin or wrongdoing, was being persecuted for no reason whatsoever. This shows me one thing - you can go through alot of tribulation for no apparent reason at all.


I guess the problem isn't me or my work. It's people. It's no wonder we all needs salvation.



Sincere apologies that I have no scripture reference in this blog - it's just a random response to series of events I have been experiencing that I thought I can share.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Time to get back my heart

So much to write about, so little time.

Since my last blog, many things have come to happen and pass in my life. Though it has only been about 1 month, the plethora of wisdom I've obtained is immeasurable. Sharing my life with another personally and intimately has brought me closer to truths that I never saw if I was alone. You see, you have to know the truth, before the truth can set you free.

John 8:32 (NIV) says:

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

This morning as I was driving to work, I received my weekly scripture sms on my phone. I had a read of it since I was stuck in rush hour traffic. It spoke about worrying. Yeah, God, I get it. Don't worry. Thanks. I didn't really think much about it till I heard the exact same quote in a random Ps Prince sermon I was listening to on CD titled 'What it means to be dead to sin'.

Now that got my attention. Thats twice in a row. God must really want me to pay more attention to it, since its the 2nd time. Ok, I'll look at it soon.

Then I opened my email at the office and got the same scripture in my daily devotions.

OK. Time to whip up Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV). Feel free to click on the link and read the full text for yourself. What caught my attention was this:

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Now, who has not been worried about life? I worry every single day, every moment, every opportunity I have. It's a bad habit that has robbed me of my health and joy. Day in, day out, I've been struck with negative thoughts; thoughts of fear, condemnation, guilt, sadness. Is this the christian life? Oh nice, they should have told me this at the altar call- 'Now you receive Jesus, you are forgiven - now here are 100 more laws for you to follow so you can be more like Jesus. Yes, suffer and crucify your flesh on earth but don't worry, you'll gain eternal rewards in heaven.'

All this time, I've had this ingrained in my head. I've been christian for so long of a time, but I never really believed in my heart that Jesus loves me unconditionally. I've always wanted to live the best for Jesus, do this, do that for the kingdom of God - but it actually ISN'T about that. It's the greatest lie the enemy has ever told christians. It was never about doing at all. The christian walk is believing that everyday, by faith, that we are righteous because of what Jesus did. We are IN CHRIST.

Romans 6:11 says:

Likewise you also, reckon [account, consider] yourselves to be dead indeed to
sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord

For too long have I focused on the negative part of the message. I've focused all this while on my performance, on my 'sins' (or bad habits). I've become religious. Too often are we reminded that we are inadequate. And too often do we take this into our heart. And our heart is what Jesus came to set FREE. He didn't come to bring bondage and more rules. In fact Jesus came to FULFILL the laws. I didn't realise I was neglecting the work of the cross by focusing on my self efforts to be a good christian, to not sin.

Let me share my heart as a man. My biggest struggle in life (I thought) was sexual lust. All this while since young, I've condemned myself for just being a guy. I've struggled with pornography since my teens. I've applied 101 ways to stop but it never works. And now I know why - it's cause I've focused on this law - to not sin by looking at another lustfully. And it brought bondage. And instead of being reminded of how Jesus made me RIGHTEOUS, I'm reminded of my sin. It's a lost cause. And ladies, don't think that I'm the only one going through this. Think of the nicest christian guy you know of - my bet is he still struggles with sexual lust. It's not just me. And until last night, I realised that lust actually isn't my biggest problem. It's way worse. I realised that my greatest struggle was not lust, but self-righteousness.

Romans 3:20

Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.

I had lost my focus on HIS work and the cross. Instead I started focusing on MY work. Who did I think I was? If I could don't do, I wouldn't need Jesus. Jesus in the gospels gave GRACE to everyone he met, who've sinned, all except the Pharisees - cause they were self-righteous and trusted in their own works.

It's time to set my heart free. It's time to rest in Jesus' love and righteousness.

Here's something for you all to think about. Feel free to share your thoughts...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Warrior's Katana

 I promised a good friend of mine that I would blog about this -

A Warrior's Katana

For those of you who have visited my apartment in Melbourne, you would have noticed that I displayed a samurai sword by my bedside. It was positioned in a way that if someone were to break into my room, I would be able to immediately unsheath the sword and use it. Even if you didn't notice it, I'm sure I would have shown it off to you at some point or another (I can't resist showing it off..... I mean come on, it's a samurai sword replica from The Last Samurai!).

Once a while, I would actually take the sword in my hand, draw it out and pretend that I'm some noble samurai warrior from ancient times.

"Wow," I thought, "there was a time when men fought for their country and families with this very weapon in their hands..."

As I drew the sword from it's sheath slowly, I knew that if this sword was sharpened, it would be extremely deadly - a single edged sword. It's like....the sword served its true purpose when it is drawn - it would be a weapon ready for battle. However, if it was sheathed, it would remained ineffective in battle until it was drawn from it's sheath - it would fail to serve it's purpose. 

You see, the sword is still there, and the power to kill is still there, but it is contained; restrained; supressed; protected.

One thing was for certain. When a samurai warrior goes into battle, he would have to remove his sword from it's sheath before it can be used to effectively strike an enemy. He could strike his enemy with his sheathed sword all he wanted, and it would not harm his enemy. Only until it is unsheathed would his enemy fear the warrior. It had to be unleashed first.

Ephesians 6:17 (NIV) says:
"And take...the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

The Bible states very clearly that we are in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12). Sorry people. You have an enemy out there, and he hates you even more especially when you are christian. It ain't always a merry go round - in fact its more like samurai warriors clashing in the battle scene of 'The Last Samurai'.

If we look at it from this context, it is imperative that a christian uses this 'sword', which is the word of God, as much as possible when needed. Yet it's surprising how many of us neglect it. It's like we have the sword, but it is still kept in it's sheath. We have the weapon to fight the enemy, yet we are unwilling, or ignorant in it's inability to be effective unless it is drawn. Why aren't we drawing our swords for battle?

Hebrews 4:12 (NLT) says:
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Sounds like a good reason for christians to start drawing their under-used swords against the devil, isn't it?

Ephesians 6:12 (Amp):

12For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

What I have forgotten...

As I stood silently on the train ride back to my aunt's place for the night, I could hear a familiar voice speaking to me; a soft and loving voice; a still small voice.

"Why won't you let me love you?"

There was no reply.

I had no reply. Frankly, all I did was continue to stare at nothingness as I ignored what I just thought I heard. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. If often does.

And then I heard if for the second time. This time, it was louder, yet still full of love.

"Son, why won't you let me love you?"

As I pondered in my heart for an answer, the sound of music eminating from my Ipod began to fade...

"I don't know..."

I didn't know the answer.

It should be simple, shouldn't it? Why does it seem like I have a problem receiving love? Unconditional love? A kind of love I do not deserve?

I guess I must have been hurt before. But this love isn't supposed to fail you. It's the love of God - one that is coming from my 'Papa God'. A love described in the parable of the prodigal son. A love of a father to a son. But somewhere along the journey of my life, I felt that I was betrayed of that love. I don't know why, but I've forgotten how it was to be loved by God. Shouldn't it be easy? Come to think of it, I haven't felt it in a long time.

Maybe it is time to let Him embrace me all over again. To let Him drown me with His love for me.

I guess there is a difference knowing in your mind that you are loved, and feeling it in your heart.

Take a chance, I remembered a friend recently told me. A chance in love.


As my stop approached, I decided I would take that chance. And I walked out allowing Jesus to love me.... yet again.

After all, it's a new season.