Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The image of the Lion

Wild at Heart was an eye opener for me. Well, for one thing, it made me realise that being a Christian is not about hiding at the back, avoiding confrontations and letting people trample all over you. At the time of reading the book, it was a revelation to me. I came to realise that Jesus wasn't this emasculated, weak, frail, helpless, skinny man who looked severely malnourished (as depicted in most pictures I used to see of Jesus in church). He was the total opposite. He was the lion of Judah.

Wait a sec. This doesn't really add up. The image of a lion doesn't seem to tally with the image of Jesus in the potraits. Not only that, we are called to become LIKE Jesus. The question is, WHICH IMAGE?

The author of 'No More Christian Nice Guy'(pg34) paints an interesting image of Christ...
"Regardless of how hard we try, Jesus will not be domesticated. Consult the gospel facts: He is no comfortable Christ, no meek and mild Messiah.

Let's set the record straight.

Here is our popular Nice Guy misconception: Jesus didn't drink, swear, get angry, use sarcasm, confront, avoid questions, grow impatient, or complain. Conversely, the record shows he did all of the above, and the gospel includes no apology, confession, or repentance for any of them."
Now wasn't that unconventional? I say that's something to think about. Especially when we are called to be like Christ. No, no, no... the Bible didn't tell us to be like Christ in some things. It said be like Christ in everything.
"God wants us to grow up... like Christ in everything." (Ephesians 4:15(MSG))
If you thought that Jesus was just a typical 'nice guy', think again. He was good alright, but he wasn't 'nice' all the time.

What is your image of Jesus?


Anonymous said...

Lion King is a good movie

Casey said...

Haha... Have you watch Narnia? The lion in Narnia is an image of Jesus in case you didn't know :P

hweun said...

first post on blogspot, but a good one though!

Casey said...

Thanks! And for linking me 2! I'll link ur bloggie soon! :D

Anonymous said...

Yes... i watched it on the plane coming back from Shanghai...