(1) I am not a chauvinistSorry if the previous post gave you the impression that I am some extreme guy who's prone to violence. I'm not. In actual fact, if you know me long enough, you'll realise that I was once a 'Nice Guy' (might still be referred to one for all I know).
(2) I do not advocate violence, or the use thereof
(3) I don't think men are in a higher/better position than women
(4) I personally have nothing against nice guys
Actually, my last post was only part of the image of Jesus. In actual fact, according to the Bible, Jesus was also gentle, kind, loving, compassionate, patient and understanding. He was the only man on earth who was perfectly balanced. Notice that he was sarcastic and rude to the proud religious leaders, but he gave grace to the humble and needy. He overturned the tables in the temple in anger, yet when he saw thousands of people following him, he was moved by compassion and fed them all.
You see, Jesus was both strong and full of grace. He knew when to stand up and fight, and he knew when to back down.
Wait a sec. Come to think of it, I don't think Jesus ever backed down. Not even when he was captured, tortured, and crucified. It took real strength to go through all He did - cause He knew that was the only way for our total forgiveness of sins. Before all of that, Jesus prayed
"Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done." (Luke 22:42 NKJV)He fought all the way. He never gave up.
Remember the scene from the movie The Passion, where Jesus was carrying the cross up the hill? Think about it - he had the strength to carry it AFTER being whipped for our sins. Seeing the whole image?
But why was He strong in the first place? What gave Him that strength to go all the way?
His grace. His love for us. It was because of His grace that He was strong. Yeah, thats right. He did it all for you and for me.
Man... I want to be like Jesus.